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 Thank you for signing up for the Soulful AI Images Workshop!

You’ll get access to the workshop in just a moment. But in the meantime, I have a question for you.

Do you want to get ongoing support for creating your AI Oracle deck for just $27/mo? Scroll down to learn more!

Create your own visually stunning and spiritually meaningful oracle deck that attracts your soul clients. Without hiring a designer or using complicated tools that cost thousands.

Join the original Oracle Cards Magic collective for soulful entrepreneurs and creatives.


cancel any time 7 Day Refund Guarantee


Everything you need to DESIGN, PRINT & SELL spiritually meaningful oracle deck as a soulful entrepreneur or creative.




Most coaches charge anywhere from $97-$997 for this kind of value. 

But I decided to create a safe space to express your creativity  every soulful entrepreneur could afford for just $27/month

Just $27/m – cancel any time 

You are tired of…


Buying expensive courses that leave you with empty hands


Scrolling for hours through boring stock image collections that don't align with your cards theme


Wasting time trying to find images for your cards aligned to your brand


Being in the mercy of expensive graphic designers or artists

Now you’re looking for a better way to DESIGN PRINT & SELL your own Oracle Deck!

You want to finally hold your own Oracle Cards in your hands. A meaningful and profitable deck  that becomes an extension of your brand, so that you can create


Imagine, as seekers interact with your Oracle Cards, they embark on profound journeys of self-discovery and transformation. Each card serves as a catalyst, unlocking hidden potential, providing clarity, and empowering individuals to manifest their dreams. The impact reaches far and wide, inspiring positive change in the lives of those who engage with them.


Your deck becomes an extension of your brand. It reflects your unique perspective, values, and mission, allowing you to showcase your authenticity and stand out in a crowded market. So that you attract like-minded individuals who resonate with your message, strengthening your brand reputation and fostering meaningful connections.


Your cards captivate a dedicated community of seekers. With each sale, you not only share your wisdom and guidance but also reap the financial rewards. Through effective marketing strategies and the allure of your unique brand, the demand for your Oracle Cards grows, creating a sustainable income stream for your soulful entrepreneurial venture.

Just $27/m – cancel any time 

 You don’t need years of years of coding experience, a background in graphic design, an expensive designer, or a marketing degree to DESIGN, PRINT, and SELL your own stunning and profitable oracle cards. 


get coaching, on-demand training, hands-on workshops, resources, tools, templates & support

Let me show you that it’s possible

When I mastered creating stunning and spiritually meaningful images with the help of Ai I was able to create 5 different Oracle Decks for me and my clients in a matter of a month. That’s when I knew I had to share this with other soulful entrepreneurs and creatives who have been dreaming of designing their own Oracle Cards!


I’ll be honest with you

Getting to this point wasn’t easy

Few years ago I hired an incredible artist to help me with my art for the deck I’ve been dreaming of creating forever 

I was captivated by her art and impressed by her work, but I found myself at a loss when it came to articulating my vision for the images I wanted. Despite spending $500 for 6 images only, I still didn’t have the deck I envisioned. The issue wasn’t with her, it was with me. As the saying goes, “I’m the problem, it’s me…” Not only did I struggle to communicate my creative vision, but I also lacked the knowledge to ask the right questions when hiring her, determine the card sizes, choose a printing method, and develop a sales strategy. The realization that designing stunning card images is only a small part of the larger process of designing, printing, and selling hit me hard, leaving me overwhelmed and ready to give up.

When I thought I finally figured it out I paid over $3000 for a graphic designed to format my journal/planner and publish it on KDP only to be stuck with not knowing how to market that planner and not even making enough sales to cover the cost of design. 

I know too well that feeling of “wasting” my money when I wasn’t really ready to do that. I wish I had known back then what it takes to launch a successful profitable product. I also have been in a place of throwing my money at a problem and thinking the problem will resolve itself just by me making an investment. It takes time to research, and understand the market and marketing. 

I decided to try again but

I was quoted a staggering $10,000

 just for the card design alone, without even factoring in the costs of layout, printing, marketing, and advertising…

I was gutted, that was never going to happen!


Despite putting my dream of creating my own deck on hold for several years, that desire never faded.

I would occasionally dabble in the project, but self-doubt would creep in, leaving me overwhelmed and intimidated by the multitude of steps involved in bringing my vision to life and holding that deck in my own hands.

So I tried…


To create designs in Canva


to find ready to download stock images


Learning how to do digital design with Procreate


Dabbling in PhotoShop

No matter what I tried I just couldn’t design cards that were stunning, spiritually meaningful, and cohesive to be in the same deck. I felt trapped, like a bird in a cage with my dreams like butterflies getting away from me. 

And that’s when it hit me!

Combining my obsession with Ai image-generating technology, my passion to help soulful entrepreneurs and creatives, my own healing journey, my keen eye for visuals, my business knowledge, my sales background, and collaboration strategies would be the very best way to tackle this!

And this time, I finally started to see the results I’d been working for so hard:


Designed images for multiple decks in one week


My students finishing deck in one weekend


My clients pre-selling over 30 decks before we even pressed submit button to print their decks


Clients making a profit of over $1000 with their first order of 50 decks


Members not only selling their decks but also prints of their Ai work and being in profit immedeately


My client selling out her first bulk order in less than a month with a profit of over $1000


Several members have their decks on Deckible (we help you to Upload)


People asking me when my deck will be available.


Nick Kellett Founder of Deckible APP speaking inside Oracle Cards Magic


People excited to join Oracle Cards Magic


Growing incredible soulful community of 90+ members organically in a few short months, without paid adverstising using my organic strategies


Members experiencing their own healing transformations

The best thing?

You will create your own deck in 90 days or less

when you follow my simple process

And it didn’t only work for me!

Since April 2, 2023, I helped many in our communities not only design and print their decks but also learn how to design their own soulful images that evoke the essence of their business and showcase their brand’s soul. 

So how does it work exactly?

All it takes are

3 Simple Steps



Discover the power of AI for captivating card art and more! No professional design skills are needed.
Efficiently create cohesive and consistent soulful images.
Unleash your creativity, save time, and connect with your audience. Start creating now!


Effortless printing, stunning results! Align your budget and preferences with the printing company right for you. Resources for high-quality, cost-effective materials and customizable features for your Oracle Card Decks. Capture your vision flawlessly.


Unleash your deck’s selling potential! I’ll guide you through various options: digital sales, physical decks, printable decks, interactive apps, and more.
Let’s align strategies with your goals for successful marketing and sales. Your oracle card decks, your success story!

Welcome to…

Oracle Cards Magic
Where we empower & support soulful entrepreneurs who want to DESIGN – PRINT – SELL their own meaningful and profitable Oracle Card Decks that resonate with their audience. 

We provide you with a space to connect, tools & resources to create, and a step-by-step plan to bring your unique vision to life without breaking the bank.

Just $27/m – cancel any time 


On the inside you’ll learn

Discover the power of AI for captivating card art and more! No professional design skills are needed. Efficiently create cohesive and consistent soulful images. Unleash your creativity, save time, and connect with your audience. Start creating now!



Master Generating Soulful Images that Align with Your Brand for Your Sales Pages, Challenges, Book Covers, Journal Covers and more


Design Soulful images That Attract Your Ideal Clients


Design cohesive and consistent images so they belong in one deck seemingly

Effortless printing, stunning results! Align your budget and preferences with the printing company right for you.

Resources for high-quality, cost-effective materials and customizable features for your Oracle Card Decks. Capture your vision flawlessly.



How to Choose Printing Company That Aligns with Your Budget


How to Prepare Your Files for Print


How to Price Your Deck for Profit


Where to Print on Demand or Order in Bulk

Unleash your deck’s selling potential! I’ll guide you through various options: digital sales, physical decks, printable decks, interactive apps, and more.
Let’s align strategies with your goals for successful marketing and sales. Your oracle card decks, your success story!



How to build audience of soulful clients


How to presell your deck so you raise funds for larger order at a lower cost


How to Write Sales Page Specifically for Oracle Cards (full training and Canva Sales Page included)

Get Instant Access to

Join Today for Only $27/m

Just $27/m – cancel any time 

Membership was founded by Katya McEwen – a Certified Mindset Coach 

Support & Mindset Coaching


Quarterly (or more) Live hands-on workshops


Relevant Guests Expert Training


Monthly Mindset Coaching


On-Demand Mindset Training to Overcome Creative Blocks and More


Monthly Live Group Coaching Calls


Monthly Co-working Sessions to Get Projects Done


Monthly New Members Orientation Calls


New updated content regularly


Private Facebook Collective: a safe space to show up as you are


Soulful collaborations




Encouragement and support from team and other soulful creatives


Motivation: weekly playdates to stay in creative flow


Supportive Community of Like-Minded Soulful Entreprenurs and Creatives


Access to Soulful Ai Magic MINI Membership


Done For You Soulful ClipArt


Done For You Soulful Backgrounds


Basic Mood Board Training


Basic Brand Board Training


How To Organize Your Projects in Canva Training


Library of over 200 Clip Art Images Ready for Instant Download


MidJourney for Beginners Training


Step-by-Step MidJourney Setup Instructions


Prompt Engineering


Understanding aspect ratios


How to Create Your Own Server to Avoid Overwhelm


MidJourney Settings and Versions


Soulful Ai Images workshop included in the membership at no cost


Access in a separate portal in a bite-size format


My framework on how to design cohesive images on brand


Exact MidJourney prompts


Content Ideas for Soulful Entrepreneurs and Creatives


Over 130+ happy students


Creating Self-Portrait Workshop 


Learn how to create self-portrait in Midjourney and turn yourself into any character you want with FaceSwap


Learn how to do Image Referencing to create self-portraits without FaceSwap


Interactive Shuffle Templates 


Two Easily Customizable Interactive Shuffle Templates for Your Oracle Cards


Step-by-Step Instrustions


Add music and download as MP4


Fun Way to Create Engagement and Quick Readings

Coming Soon to Oracle Cards Magic membership

21-Day Fast Path 


21-Day FastPath


Step-by-Step Daily Tasks


On-Demand Training


Your Deck Done in 21 Days - One Hour a Day

Join Today for Only $27/m

Just $27/m – cancel any time 

7 Day Refund Guarantee

I would not expect you to take my word for it,

see what our members say

Read these five hearts reviews from our members

If you join now, in 90 days or less you could be holding your own Oracle Cards in your hands. A meaningful and profitable Oracle Deck that changes people’s lives.

Just $27/m – cancel any time 

7 Day Refund Guarantee

Warning: Joining Oracle Cards Magic may lead to unexpected and highly enjoyable side effects.

Experience the enchantment of Oracle Cards Magic: The Secret Recipe for Happiness, Creative Mojo Unleashed, and Extra Income Created 



Sales Pages with Flair: Your sales pages will be so beautiful and magnetic; that your dream clients couldn't wait to open their wallets


Soulful Images on Demand: You'll become a magician – making soulful images appear whenever you need them. Who knew you had this superpower?


Support: Our support might just spoil you. You'll get used to it, and then it's back to calling tech support for your internet issues.


Camaraderie: Prepare for inside jokes and a secret handshake. Just kidding, but we do have cool virtual meetups.


Happiness: Warning! Frequent smiles, laughter, and an overall improved mood might occur. Happiness is contagious, you know.


Playfulness: It's contagious too! You may start doing silly dances in the kitchen while waiting for your tea to brew.


Social Media Stardom: Soon, your followers will wonder if you're a wizard. Or maybe you'll just gain a lot of followers; either way, it's a win!


Community: You could find new like-minded friends here and also create collaborations. It may come as a pleasant surprise.

Today’s Price = Only $27/m

Just $27/m – cancel any time 

7 Day Refund Guarantee


I already bought so many courses, memberships, etc that didn’t help me to make my own deck and why do I need Oracle Cards Magic?


This has the potential to finally materialize your dream of having your own Oracle Cards Deck in no time and without breaking the bank. And you will retain all control in the full process of DESIGNING- PRINTING – SELLING your cards. You will learn the skill of not only designing stunning card art but also designing soulful visual assets for your brand that are fully aligned with your brand. 


This is nothing like the things you’ve bought before


This will help you switch from creative uncertainty to confidently designing stunning art for your own cards and more


This will allow you to get the accountability, practice and feedback to become an even better designer that creates stunning results, even if you think your are non-designer


Go from being confused and chasing shiny objects ➤➤➤ to being crystal clear about your theme and concept for your deck and how it fits into your overall brand


Access provides you with not just theory and knowledge, but also ready-to-use templates, frameworks, and worksheets, saving you time and accelerating your progress.


For a price lower than a Gaia subscription (Netflix for spiritual souful folks) , this will empower you to shape your creative aspirations into a profitable Oracle Cards Deck.


Access ongoing support, resources, and expert guidance from the Soulful Creatives Collective community, ensuring your continued growth, success, and impact as an Oracle Card creator.


There is no risk (7-day money back guarantee and you can cancel at any time)

Today’s Price = Only $27

Just $27/m – cancel any time 

7 Day Refund Guarantee


Frequently asked questions

Q: Am I ready?

A: Only you know the answer to this question…and you are probably ready.

Q: What happens as soon as I join?

A: Breathe. We’ve got you. Members receive a welcome package, which includes: a welcome video to give you a tour of the platform so you familiarise yourself with the membership portal, a roadmap of the process to design, print/publish, and sell your cards for you to identify where you are on this journey, and an invitation to Oracle Cards Magic Collective. 

Q: What is the time requirement?

A: We think you would want to schedule time every week – like you would a playdate or a massage. I’d set aside 30+ minutes a week for your learning + reflection, and at least 20 min intentionally focused time a few times a week for working on your specific project. Refer to your roadmap to identify where you are right now and where you want to be and join one of the support calls when needed or ask for support inside our private collective. 

Q: What kind of support will I get when I join? 

A: This membership is designed so that you have at least one opportunity a month to join a live Q&A call, live co-working session, or live coaching call and you also have ongoing support inside our private Oracle Cards Magic Collective 

Q: How often do materials get updated?

A: You will receive 5 new styles to experiment with monthly, new updates for Midjourney as they come out, and new relevant trainings and templates that help you to Design Print and Sell your Oracle Decks 

Q: How do I access the materials?

A: EASY: login into the private Oracle Cards Magic membership portal from your cell, iPad/tablet, or computer. You will need an internet connection to watch and join the Oracle Cards Magic Q+A and other sessions. 

Q: I don’t live in US or Canada – can I join?

A: Yes! If you have internet, you have access to Oracle Cards Magic

Q: Does my subscription automatically renew?

A: Yes, payments auto-process once a month (or once a year for annual purchasers), around the same day you registered. 

Q: If I sign up for the monthly payments option can I switch to annual later?

A: Of course you can change any monthly subscription to a yearly subscription ( and save!). 

Q: What if I need to cancel my subscription? 

A:  We understand that your goals and priorities could change, There is no commitment, you can cancel at any time by logging in to your portal account. 

Examples of decks members created 

Today’s Price = Only $27/m

Just $27/m – cancel any time 

7 Day Refund Guarantee

From War to Art

My healing journey and how I started with Ai

February 24th, 2022 my life as I knew it turned upside down!

Fortunately, what started as a means of destroying me turned into an extremely healing journey. 

This image on a left was the very first image of Ukrainian goddess of protection Bereginya I created with Ai help

With my brother living in a dangerously affected area and my nephew bravely serving in the army, fighting for my back home, the weight of the situation certainly took a huge toll on me.

As the war unfolded, I found myself grappling with intense emotions and battling with PTSD. (Self-diagnosed). Luckily, equipped with my certification as a mindset coach that came with great tools that I use and blessed with an incredible support system, I was determined to find a way to heal and make a positive impact. Little did I know that this journey would lead me to the fascinating world of AI.

I was always interested in digital design and having recently discovered my interest in painting, I stumbled upon the captivating and addictive realm of AI-generated images. I have to admit that at first, it was a welcome distraction so I I didn’t constantly worry and think about the war.

And this image to the right I re-generated with exact same prompt many months later.

Inspired by the beauty of turning pain into art, and transmuting all the emotions into something stunning I had an idea of an interesting project. I decided to create a series of 55 images portraying the Ukrainian goddess of protection, Bereginya. Each image became a mirror of how I felt or wanted to feel, what I saw or wanted to change. Some represented resilience, and love for my homeland, but all showcased embodiment of the strength and spirit of my people. Little did I know that this project would evolve far beyond my expectations.

Driven by my passion, I delved into the realm of AI image generation with unwavering dedication. What was meant to be a collection of 55 images quickly transformed into an awe-inspiring journey that produced over 20,000 breathtaking images within a remarkably short span of time. It was as if my soul found solace in transforming my emotions into pure, mesmerizing beauty. Pure alchemy – transmuting pain into art.

Today’s Price = Only $27/m

Just $27/m – cancel any time 

Money Back Guarantee

Q: Is there a money-back guarantee?

A: Yes absolutely! We swear by our training, so much so we offer a 7-Day no-questions-asked money-back-guarantee.









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